I played this course on 5 February 2010. The weather had been cold in the past few days, but today it was pretty mild, but no sooner had I got across the Forth Road Bridge than the rain came on. I thought about turning round and looking for a course that was at least playable in the dry, but decided to press on, and I'm glad I did. Dunnikier Park is a municipal course owned and operated by Fife Council and is a really good layout. Think Ratho, Newbattle, Haggs Castle, because this was the equal of those excellent inland courses. When I arrived there were a few other cars in the car park, so at least there were a few other idiots in Kirkcaldy that day, determined to eek out another round in the February rain. One of the members, Dave, kindly invited me to join him for the round and I had a great time, with Dave taking obvious pride in helping me with directions and club selection. I thoroughly enjoyed his company and despite the wet conditions and the occasionally boggy ground, we had a good laugh going round. Below is a typical view of the wet conditions, from the 7th tee.
As Dave commented, Dunnikier Park does not drain very well, so the temporary winter greens were a bit of a lottery. Indeed, on one of the early holes we were tempted to wait for the tide to go out, but at least our golf balls got a wash at every hole, since they were invariably full of water. The course is normally 6091 yards off the yellow tees with a par of 71, but was playing a bit shorter than that due to the winter greens. I went round in 81, a net 69, and I'd be happy with that score over the full course.
Below is another view of the conditions, this time showing the 8 iron approach to the 8th green. 
I thought the best hole on the course was the 18th, a fearsome looking 476 yard par 4. elevated tee, with the drive played over a gully, leaving (for me at least, a 3 wood and a short iron to the green, avoiding the bushes to the left and that out of bounds to the right. A genuine card wrecker and whoever thought it was fit for stroke index 17 must have been a far better player than me!
I'd happily play Dunnikier Park again, hopefully in drier conditions. A good course though.
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